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Syndication In The Digital World

You wrote a beautiful article for your blog. It's got great anecdotes, poignant case studies, and is on a topic that will maintain relevance (extremely important). But you've posted it to your wordpress blog, or your company's digital platform and it's not getting much traction. What do you do?

Syndication: In broadcasting, syndication is the licensing of the right to broadcast television and radio programs by multiple television and radio stations, without going through a broadcast network.

I.e. the reason why Law and Order is always on T.V., why Seinfeld is still making money, and why you can still see episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel Air on BET. Syndication is a great tool that allows other networks to air your content.

What does that mean in digital?

In digital syndication you set up a profile with a CSN (content syndication network), which is a company that allows you to share your content using their already existing network of sites. Think about the "for more related articles" section after an article on This is a great way to get your material seen and the services cost range but have a $0.10 to $0.85 CPC depending on what service you use. (For a list of services CSN and their community nuances click here)

Digital is about getting your content seen, but its also about finding crafty ways to reuse what you've already created! Start incorporating syndication into your digital strategy today.

Dusha Holmes II (Digital Media Extraordinaire)

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