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The Real Reason Why You Don't Do Video

Can we agree that the digital marketing industry is convoluted? Technological advances are moving faster than we can really enact a strategy to fully utilize it. I won't lie, I'm still playing PS3. Nevertheless, one constant that we see is the general use of video to engage our audiences.

I get giddy about this because the reason I became a digital marketer was because I was a video content producer. It's a symbiotic relationship. If you make videos for your clients, and you care about them, and repeat business, you want them to find value in your video. Despite amazing cinematography, a killer sound design, engaging scripting, and an award winning colorization job, our videos weren't getting any traction.


Content Distribution Strategy.

The real reason why you don't do video is because you don't have a content distribution strategy.

What is Content Distribution Strategy?

First, I'll tell you what it's not. It's not we'll post this on Facebook. We'll post this on YouTube. We'll post this on Instagram. That's a part of it, yes. "Social" media has democratize the ability to reach people but it hasn't made it easier. Distribution, whether we're talking manufacturing textiles, music, or food, is a business and industry in and of itself. When you decide that you're going to get into the content creation game you have to look at the full chain.

Market Research>>>Audience Relevant Content Development>>>> Content Distribution

I skipped a number of steps that happen in between because they're not relevant to this topic. Ask anyone who works in logistics for your favorite clothing brand. Getting the fabric, designing the clothing, having the fashion shows for the season, is half the battle. They have to contact purchasers at major retail dealers to carry it, high fleets of trucks to haul them city to city, and they have to make deals to get them in outlets when they're out of season.

This is what happens in the TV industry as well. You don't just make a pilot. You shop it to a network as well.

You cannot treat the content creation aspect of your business like it's a cute trend, or fad, or like it's a miracle cure that you just add water to and get market traction. If that's how you feel then don't market digitally. It's not going to work for you. It's only going to negatively impact your organization and give video a bad taste in your mouth.

I had a client the other day that was willing to drop $20,000 on a project but had no idea as to where it was going to live. I couldn't take the project on. Not because I'm a bleeding liberal, I may be, but because I know there's not repeat business there, no chance for referral. Because, if a video is played in the forest and no one sees or hears it does it make a sound?

Mashable just recently laid off a good portion of their editorial staff to shift towards video because they understand the power of video to enhance messaging. However, I'm sure they have a plan as to how they're going to distribute their you?

Dusha Holmes II "Digital Media Realist"

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